6 May 2024

Dry Needling

‘Dry Needling’ is a technique that involves inserting a thin and flexible needle into a muscle to that elicits a response to help it relax. This is often referred to as a ‘twitch’. There are changes to the muscle fibres, electrical activity, chemical releases, and a nervous system response that contributes to this response in

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Hamstring Injuries and Rehabilitation

Anatomy of the hamstrings: The hamstrings are a collection of 3 individual muscles: They all work together but have slightly different roles. During sprinting, the biceps femoris takes the biggest load, the semitendinosus is lengthened the most, and semimembranosus acts as a force producer. During rehab, you want to target the hamstrings collectively as they

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Whiplash Associated Disorders- what are they? How are they managed?

Whiplash is an increasingly common condition and one where symptoms can prolong, sometimes lasting up to a year. Whiplash associated disorders is an umbrella term describe injuries sustained by a sudden acceleration-deceleration motion, most commonly from a motor vehicle accident. Common symptoms: -Neck pain is the most common -Stiffness -Dizziness -Paraesthesia/anaesthesia -Headaches -Arm pain There

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Reactive-Based Training for Falls Prevention

What is reactive-based training? Reactive-based training involves exercises which require quick reactions to changes in the external environment. This form of exercise works to improve dynamic balance and co-ordination. Typically when we lose our balance our body forms strategies to help regain our balance and keep our centre of mass within our base of support.

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